Saturday, June 20, 2015

Super de duper quick post!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in bed right now. My day has been full of swimming, lounging and fishing. We caught a ton of perch, blue gill and pumpkin-something-or-another today!  It was great. We actually have two lines out right now, hoping for big cat fish!  Don't worry, we're a catch and release family. 

Anyway, down to the nitty gritty...the food. My time lines are all of on vacation, so I'll post a list, without times, like yesterday. 

Breakfast: three hard boiled eggs and 5 whole strawberries.
Lunch: salad with a half of grilled chicken breast and 3 slices of boars head ham. I had 2tsp (yes...teaspoons) of thousand island dressing...because I love it. Sue me. ;)  
Snack: 2 cups of watermelon.
Dinner: grilled turkey burger, lettuce, tomato, pickle (no bun, no condiments), homemade guacamole, multi giant chips, and half of an ear of grilled corn on the cob. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday tomorrow, and to all the dads, Happy Father's Day!!  Does anyone have big plans tomorrow?

(A snippet of my day...lake full of kids and my dad, with his Father's Day cigar, in the midst of it all!)

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