Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunday funday...every.single.week.

I'm not sure if any of you know this, but Sundays are my most favorite days of the week!  I'm a single mom and am divorced.  Due to my ex-husband's work schedule I don't have the usual full weekends away from my children, like some families do.  I have my children 7 days per week, usually.  So, every other Sunday my children head with their dad for a few hours and I'm usually with Brian, the boyfriend.  We have lunch, grocery shop at Sam's Club, eat ice cream, and now, since it's nice and warm (read: HOT) out, we've decided to grill every Sunday night for dinner.  Not only do I get an amazing healthy dinner, but I can make some pretty spectacular lunches for the week out of the leftovers.  Last night was no exception.  After getting back from the lake, the kids went with their dad for a couple hours and I headed to Brian's and we grilled out.  We had chicken, shrimp, beef (for Brian) and veggie kabobs...the kids joined us that night to eat, and we made them pork chops and apple sauce. 

This past weekend was a blur.  The kids and I had so much fun at the lake and were able to catch a ton of fish, swim, jet ski, and just lounge around.  All three of us came back tired, tan, and ready for our next vacation in a couple of weeks!!!  Florida, baby!  This week the kids started separate S.T.E.M programs, so I'm sure they'll have a ton to talk about this week.  Good news is, these programs will not cut into my nightly meal prep and cooking...whew!! 

When you eat the way I need time.  Not a lot, but still some time to really get things ready.  I know you probably hear about people meal prepping and how much time they put into it...etc.  Well, I'm here to tell you, as much as I really TRY to meal prep, I usually don't...other than cut up fruit.  Honestly, when people tell me they don't have time to "eat healthy," I usually take it as them not really wanting to or really caring.  I'm a full time mom, I work full time, and I'm in college (although I'm taking the summer semester off this year)...if I have the time to do do too!  If you can take the time to cut up a watermelon, wash berries, and boil eggs (I do this every other morning) then you have time to eat healthy...I promise.  You really just need a plan of action.  What fruits do you love to eat?  What about your breakfasts...will you do hard boiled eggs like me...or maybe steel cut oats?  For lunches, will you eat leftovers from dinner last night, or maybe a quick, easy to put together salad?  Then there's dinner!!  What will you have for dinner?  Do you need to thaw the meat?  Is there enough to make for everyone and will there be enough for leftovers?  This plan is all up to you and what you have time for. 

I think, for me, it takes less time to cook, as I don't have a complex meal plan.  It's usually protein/meat and vegetables.  That doesn't take long, at all.  The thing that takes the longest is whatever starch/carb I'm making for the kids that night.  Like tonight, I'm making spaghetti (I'll post all ingredients and food lists below).  The kids will have spaghetti noodles and I'll have shirataki noodles (I buy these at Wal-Mart or Harris Teeter in the refrigerated produce section:  These noodles are great and usually around $2 per bag (closer to the fall and winter I stop using these for spaghetti and go to spaghetti squash).  I buy multiple bags per grocery trip, as I use them pretty often.  Make sure to rinse them really well before heating them up, though!  After adding them to your sauce/soup/whatever it'll take on the flavor and they're great! 

So, what is the hardest part for you?  Is it the time it takes to prepare, or just cook, in general?   Are you an extremely picky eater?  What obstacles are you facing when it comes to healthy eating? 

Food list for this wonderful Monday:

*8am - hard boiled eggs, banana
*10am - 11 baby carrots and two tbsp hummus (plain)
*12pm - grilled chicken, shrimp, and vegetables (onion, green pepper, mushrooms, yellow squash, zucchini)
*2pm - 3 whole kiwi
*6pm - spaghetti (1.5 pounds ground turkey, this sauce: and one full bag of shirtaki noodles - the link is listed above...the kids will have regular spaghetti noodles). 

I'd love to hear from you with any questions you may have.  Also, I have my Facebook page I started, and am posting daily pictures of food and other links I find interesting. You're more than welcome to Share, Pin, Follow, or comment!!! 

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