Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!

I find this hilarious and completely ironic, but one of my biggest passions, besides writing, is baking.  Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, cakes, name it, I've baked it.  I wouldn't say this was the start of my weight gain, cause let's face it, I've always struggled with my weight and fluctuations depending on what was going on in my life.  There was actually a time, when I was much younger, that I actually refused to bake box brownies..I HATED baking.  One day, however, I decided to try my hand at homemade cupcakes...and then cookies...and cakes.  Before I knew it I had a very small side business blooming and was able to bake for people all over my town and for my family.  I wish I could tell you that I've stopped baking, but I haven't.  I usually bake for birthday parties for my family still, and I bake every other Friday for my boyfriend and his doctorate cohorts.  You can say he's spoiled, but there's nothing better than having the satisfaction of someone, anyone, taste something you've made from scratch and they're instantly satisfied.  Instant taste gratification...there's nothing better, well, almost.  Ha!

So, when it comes to baking, I'm sure everyone wonders if I eat any and if I do how much do I eat...etc.  Well, I do taste the batter when making it and once the product is finished, I'll usually eat one or two, depending on what it is.  Although, several weeks ago I made these peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and I ate a lot of those.  I couldn't help myself.  I paid for it later, though.  You see, once you start eating clean/healthy and you abstain from eating sugar during the week, your body and your gut changes, drastically.  Anything over sugary will send my tummy into a swirling mess and I'm miserable.  This is why, when I do cheat, I limit myself to small portions.  I hate paying the price for my sugar over-consumption. 

Alright, so, cheat meals.  How often do I cheat and what do I eat?  Well, I usually go out to eat Saturday nights for dinner and Sunday afternoons for lunch.  These are my cheat meals, but I always proceed with caution.  If I'm at Razzoos (yummy cajun food) I get the Jumbalya pasta, hold the andouille sausage and add extra crawfish!  If I'm at Antonny's Caribbean Cafe' I'll have 1/4 chicken white, potato salad, and black beans.  Sometimes we decide on Mexican and I'll eat a burrito full of chicken and veggies (although sometimes I'm really good at Mexican and we'll get fajitas for two and I'll only eat the meat and veggies and leave the tortillas for someone else).  Oh!!!  And if it's warm outside, the boyfriend and I will go and get ice cream at a local creamery here in town. That usually happens every other Sunday, on our date days.  I'll have a kiddie cup and it's just enough to take away the ice cream cravings and not give me a tummy ache!  These things are my only cheats, though.  I do allow pasta, I do allow potatoes and mayo....heck, sometimes I'll even eat breaded and FRIED chicken fingers...gasp!!  I've also, very slowly, incorporated pizza back into my cheats.  It really depends on where I'm eating and what they have to offer.  I never, ever, eat fast food, all.  That is one thing I have totally and completely stayed away from. 

Monday through Fridays are my amazing clean days.  I know they say 80/20, but I'm really at 90/10 since I only have two cheat meals (not full days) under my belt in a seven day period. 

Now, onto the really, really important food for the day!!! 

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs with banana
*10am -11 baby organic carrots and 2 tbsp original hummus
*12pm - My techs asked me out to lunch a salad will probably be had. 
*2pm - sliced kiwi and nectarine
*6pm - I'm going out with Jake, my 11 year old...we're doing Mexican, not sure what I'll have, but I'm thinking the Fajita taco salad with shrimp (hold the rice, load up the veggies and shrimp)! 

Here's another before and after picture...the one on the left was taken in 2012 the one on the right was last year right after I hit my goal weight!

So, what cheats do you allow yourself to have?  Do you ever go overboard and pay for it later?  If just starting this journey, will you allow yourself to cheat right away, or will you give it time?  (Tip:  I didn't cheat for three months after I started...even on the was a gradual thing).

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!  As for me, at the ripe ol' age of 34 I have my very first cavity and it's being filled this afternoon.  On the bright side, though, my lover boy is taking Kara-Lou out tonight for doing so well in school this year, they're going to see The Neverending Story, which means Jake and I have a mom/son date.  Can't wait!!!  

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