Monday, June 15, 2015

January 13, 2014

It's weird how I remember dates.  Certain dates have impacted my life, like no other.  The days my children were born, the day I was married, the day I left my now ex-husband, the day I met my current boyfriend...and the day he decided to call it quits.  January 8, 2014 was probably the most important date, of my life.  It was the day my boyfriend, the one who I thought was my one and only...forever, decided to break it off with me.  I was heart broken, I was mad, however, it gave me enough fuel for the inevitable fire that was itching to be lit.  I decided I needed to really look inside myself and change...everything.  I was ready to bloom, to morph into what I always knew I had inside of me...a person who was much smaller and way healthier.

I gave myself a few days to grieve and on Monday, January 13th I decided to suck it up and went to Walmart with a shopping list.  I had the basis of what I needed, but I wasn't exactly sure if I could totally and completely change my diet for good, so I gave myself a week.  I bought enough food to last that week and if I was still going strong on Sunday, I'd shop again and replenish what I had eaten.

Everything I eat is fresh, everything.  Although, I do utilize frozen veggies, a lot.  With clean and healthy eating you have to grocery shop once a week, sometimes more.  Now, some of you may be all, "that's so expensive, we can't afford that type of shopping and eating!"  I'm here to tell you that you absolutely can!!!  I'm a single mom who is considered low to lower middle class, so if I can afford to eat like this, then you can too, I swear. 

So, here's the low down - January 13, 2014 I started and in August of 2014 I hit my goal of 160lbs.  That is a few pounds shy of 40 pounds lost.  I started at 198lbs...GASP...I know.  I can't tell you if I feel better now, because I do not remember how I felt before I started.  I just know how I feel now and I feel AMAZING!!  Sure, it hasn't been all rainbows and flowers, but it's been pretty amazing.  Oh, and that guy that ditched me, Brian, well, he came back a few days later, and even though we are insanely happy (2.5!) I've stuck with this way of life, this new found way of eating...nothing makes me happier than the perfectly steamed brussel sprout, or amazingly grilled asparagus. 

I plan on going day to day with you and my diet.  Tomorrow, I'll give you a low down on my breakfasts, which is basically the same thing,, but it makes me happy.  I'll also give you recipes, as well as shopping lists and I may throw in some pictures of my weekly (sometimes daily) grocery carts (in the South, we call them please forgive me if I ever call them that).  Now, I'm off to give my almost 9 year old a shower, tuck the two minions into bed...and watch The Bachelorette.  Peace out, y'all! 

Here's a before and after...enjoy!

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