Tuesday, June 16, 2015

First things first...I'm a realist!

We all have our vices.  Things we know we can give up and the things we know we can't.  For some it may be Starbucks, for others it may be bread or pasta or ice cream.  The best way to determine what you can give up is to make a list.  That's how I knew I could probably kick some major butt in the clean eating realm.  Here's a list of everything I've given up:

Beef/red meat
Breakfast cereals
All bread products
Jarred spaghetti sauces that contain sugar (Ragu used to be my absolute favorite)
Any and all boxed food products
All frozen and canned soups/meals
Pre-mixed spices
Any oils other than extra virgin olive oil
table salt

That list goes on and on.  This list may be a lot shorter...the things I DO eat:

Lean meats (poultry, seafood, pork)
Eggs...lots of eggs
Fruits, all of them
Veggies, all of them
Beans (including hummus)
Sweet Potatoes
Homemade spice mixes
Sea salt
Olive Oil/Coconut oil

My daily food intake looks the same most days, because I know what I like and I know what satiates me.  Every single morning, for the past 17 months, I've eaten three hard boiled eggs and fruit (banana, strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, nectarine...whatever is in season).  Yes, people, I eat around 21 eggs per week.  Many people have asked about my cholesterol levels, but I haven't had them tested in a couple of years.  I'm hoping this year I'll have my blood taken at my yearly and when the test results come back I'll compare them to the results from 2013. Anyway, to the daily food part!!! 

Today, my food intake schedule is:

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs and a banana
*10am - 11 whole strawberries
*12pm - grilled chicken marinated in Antonny's All-Purpose Caribbean marinade (http://anntonystropicaltastes.com/bulk-orders.html), grilled veggies (olive oil, sea salt, black pepper - onions, baby portobello mushrooms, zuccini, yellow squash, multi-colored peppers) and half of a large sweet potato (plain).
*2pm - around 2 cups of watermelon
*6pm - grilled cauliflower (thanks Trader Joe's for this new item...it's in the freezer section), sauteed baby spinach (olive oil, diced vidalia onion, garlic, sea salt and black pepper), and hummus baked chicken.  (4 chicken breasts, 1 cup original hummus, paprika, sea salt, and black pepper to taste.  Season the chicken with your salt and pepper, then coat the chicken in the hummus.  Spray a pan with non stick cooking spray ((I use Trader Joe's coconut oil spray)), spread the chicken out evenly and then sprinkle the tops with the paprika). 

Everything I listed, minus dinner tonight, is here...I eat, y'all.  I eat a lot.  

So, what are your vices?  What can't you live without and what CAN you live without?  Comment with your lists, I'd love to see them!

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