Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stressful days and stressful nights, but I will not over eat!

Four words:  Cold soft boiled eggs. 

Those were my breakfast and I'm pretty sure I gagged a little.  I LOVE runny them.  However, they have to be warm or hot.  I can do soft boiled eggs (or even eggs over medium) every day if I wanted to, but when they are cold, there's just no way.  I also had an overripe banana this morning.  Think we can restart the breakfast part of the day?  I'd like to give it a try, at least...who has the time machine?!  Ha! 

So, yesterday.  Whew!!  Probably one of the hardest days I've had in a while.  Lots of decisions to be made, nothing really over the top, but as you all know I'm a single mom...a full time one, at that.  I live by myself with the kids and see the boyfriend a couple times per week....we have our routines.  Anyway, being a single mom, at times, is really, really stressful and exhausting.  The daily choices you make, even the simplest ones, could be detrimental to your future.  So, as I'm sitting here, writing, I have several forks in the road and I am trying really hard to figure out which one will be the best one.  It's overwhelming to say the least.

Here's the thing, though,when I stress out, I don't stress eat...I write (bet you couldn't have guessed that)!  I take time out of my day to put words onto paper....whether it's typed or handwritten.  Sometimes I'll share it with people, other times I just save it to my computer and move on.  I've heard from several people about stress eating and I totally get it, I do, but I think what we need to figure out, for you, how to move away from the food and move towards something else that will be more beneficial.  What do you like to do?  Knit, write, exercise, playing sports...there are so many options out there.  I will say, the absolute best thing I could have ever done for myself is get rid of all the junk (other than the kids' snack stuff that I usually don't eat anyway) so I wouldn't have the temptation. You don't have to throw it away, either.  Donate it to a local food many people in our areas, wherever you live, need these items.  If you absolutely need to snack...have peanut butter (or any nut butter with NO added sugar.  I highly recommend Trader Joe's nut butters) and an apple, carrots and hummus, and sliced fruit (although I try to stay away from grapes)...I'd say dark chocolate, as well, but I'm not a very big fan and it's very easy to over eat it. 

Please take this into account: although you're eating better, you can still overeat.  By overeating you can gain weight and make it more difficult to lose the weight you've already lost.  Make sure to count and measure things out.  Measuring is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.  Buy a food scale (I found a super cheap one at Walmart), find out how many calories each strawberry has...or how many calories 2 tbsp of hummus has.  I know that if I sit down with my full container of hummus in front of me, with the Sam's Club bag of baby organic carrots, I'll eat until I can't see anymore...and that overeating can cause weight gain.  Believe me, I'd rather gain weight from a huge bowl of ice cream, than overeating carrots and hummus!!!  LOL 

Oh, more thing.  Someone asked me about cheats and if I started having cheat meals right away.  No, I did not.  I took three months to have a cheat meal...and it was only one meal per weekend at that time.  I slowly wanted to incorporate certain things back into my diet...even if I was only eating them on the weekends. 

And here's my food list for the day....I know, I know...super repetitive, but I hope this list is helping someone, somewhere!

*8am - 2 COLD soft boiled eggs and a very overripe banana (gag, but I got through it)
*10am - 2 cups watermelon
*12pm - chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and green beans.
*2pm - 7 strawberries
*6pm - shrimp and chicken quesadillas.  Instead of tortillas, I'll use my living lettuce (bib) as wraps and the kids will have the tortillas.  I'll have a whole tomato, a little salsa (Trader Joe's), shrimp and chicken (I'll boil the shrimp in chili powder, cumin, and sea salt.  The chicken is a frozen bag of grilled chicken strips from Trader Joe's and I'll add a little spice to them, but not much), an avocado, and I'll make black beans (canned...rinse the beans well before cooking...add olive oil, a little bit of garlic and a bay leaf, let simmer...then add your beans and let it all simmer together for about 30 minutes....sooooo very good)!   Here is a link to the chicken I buy from Trader Joe's,, these are amazing for quick meals, I use them for a lot of different things.  FYI, I will add a little colby jack cheese to mine, as well...the kids will have more than a little, since they're having quesadillas. 

So, what questions do you have for me?  I'm here to answer any and all...I'm an open book and will be completely honest with you!  Comment here or send me a Facebook message.  I truly look forward to hearing from you!! 

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