Friday, June 19, 2015

Lake living.

This weekend I'm at the lake, Lake Murray, that is. My Aunt owns a house on the water and allows us to come down (2 hour drive) several times a year to just vegge out. So, this weekend we decided to head down here and take the time to chill out and relax. I needed a break from reality, badly.  

Anyway, like I said in the previous posts, I do cheat.  I try my hardest to not eat fast food (burgers and fries, are no longer in my vocabulary), however called for something quick while on the road. I went to McDonald's...twice. Breakfast was oatmeal, plain, and a yogurt parfait. For lunch I had a grilled chicken premium wrap, no cucumbers. My snack was a handful of peanuts...and water, water, water. Dinner, unfortunately, will be it'll be one of my cheats for the weekend. Tomorrow, I promise will be a MUCH better food day!  

Now, I'm off to get the kids out of the water so that the skin wrinkles will go away before dinner.

Here's my view for the evening!  Have a great weekend, y'all!!

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