Thursday, June 18, 2015

Maintenance, willpower...and all that jazz!

Ohhhh, maintaining.  Let me tell you, this is a life style change.  It's not a diet, it's not a quick fix, it's not something I'll ever give up on...ever.  When I decided to eat this way, I went all in, there was no looking back.  I went years thinking about how different it would be if I finally just stuck to something and not give up.  Here I am, June 18, 2015, and I haven't backed down, I haven't stopped believing.  Believing in yourself and your ability will be the only way you'll ever be able to stick to healthy and clean eating.

This isn't easy, y'all.  It's not.  There is temptation EVERYWHERE.  My children had doughnuts for breakfast...powdered, sugary cake doughnuts.  I wanted one, I wanted to remember how they melt in your mouth after the first bite.  Sweet, glorious, yumminess.  However, I knew that if I took one bite, I'd blow my day out of the I stopped myself, threw away the one last itty bitty bite my son couldn't finish and I realized that this was a victory!!  Kristi - 1, Doughnut - 0.  If I can throw this away, you can too...believe me.  Willpower, y'all...mega loads of willpower. 

Back in April, around Easter, I was at the lake with my family.  We had food...lots of really good food.  I tried very hard to eat clean and keep the carbs down, but my Aunt made this macaroni and cheese that I could not resist.  So, I ate it.  Once I ate it, it was downhill for me.  I gained a few pounds that weekend.  Now, a few pounds doesn't sound like much, but to me, it is.  I feel heavy and bloated and know that I need to really buckle down to get that weight off.  Well, I buckled down on Monday and for some reason the weight wasn't coming off like it used to.  Then, six weeks later, I went on vacation with the boyfriend.  I cheat on vacations, well, because I'm on vacation and if a biscuit is an option with my breakfast omelet...I'm getting the biscuit...and the hashbrowns/homefries (I'm not much of a grit eater).  Dinner was delicious, FRESH, local seafood...but some of it was fried, some of it came with hushpuppies, and those seafood nachos were out of this world.  We were gone for four days and I gained a total of 5 pounds on the trip.  When I got back from the trip, I had gained a total of 8, EIGHT, pounds in 6 weeks.  UGH!  The Monday after we got back I had to do something...I felt absolutely horrible.  So, I did what I always do, I buckled down and started really, really watching what I ate.  It has been four weeks and I've lost 7 more pound to go to get to where I was at the beginning of April.  Cha, Cha, Cha!

Anyway, the moral of the story is this:  Please know that if you decide to have cheat meals, that's great, but limit them and don't over do it or over's very easy to do.  This is a life style, when you start eating something you cut out of your diet (like biscuits or fried food), completely,  your body will go crazy and you will gain weight.  If you DO gain weight, then start all over again.  It's easy, it's simple, you got this! 

Now, for the important part of the day....FOOD!!  Remember, this will be pretty repetitive depending on the last time I grocery shopped and what all I have in my fridge!  Ha!

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs and a banana (yep, again....I'm a creature of habit and I LOVE it)
*10am - 2 cups of watermelon
*12pm - leftovers from Tuesday's dinner (hummus chicken, sauteed spinach, and grilled cauliflower)
*2pm - 12 whole strawberries
*6pm - This: (I'll be changing the ground beef to ground pork and will use olive oil instead of butter, I also may add a touch of thyme).  **My kids will not eat this, so I'll make them something else.  This will leave me with a boat load of leftovers and I'll freeze them for quick dinner meals and lunches.    

I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!  Today is my Friday, though, and the kids and I will be leaving tomorrow morning for the lake in South Carolina...we can't wait!  I promise I'll keep posting while I'm gone.  Oh!  I started a Facebook page so you can connect with me through there, as well.  The link is:

I look forward to meeting new people and seeing new faces!! 

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