Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Let's talk about...

Body changes and the things you may notice once you decide to take life, and health, by its horns. 

I'm not going to give you some amazing story of how you'll never get sick...blah, blah, blah...because that's not true.  I had the flu around Christmas time last year and as I'm typing this I have a low grade fever, body aches, and the world's largest headache.  The doctor will be seen shortly, believe me...I feel horrible.  However, I'm still here, writing for you and hopefully giving you some info on how things will change, for the better.

There are three things that changed, hair, and nails.  First, let's talk about my skin.  I was always a pimply teenager, even as an adult I'd have some pretty large breakouts...stress, certain times of the month...really anything would break me out.  Once I started eating healthier, cut out all fast foods (and fried foods) and upped my water intake to 80-100oz per day, my skin was virtually glowing!  I barely wear any foundation/base anymore (just around my eyes...those dark circles won't go away, no matter what I do...LOL).  I do have a pimple here and there, but it's very rare.

The second noticeable change are my nails!  I was a nail bitter for 25+ years.  Several years ago, I stopped actively biting them unless I was watching a movie and by the time the movie was over, my nails would be gone...again!  However, I no longer bite my nails, at all (ok, I play with and pick them some...but honestly, no biting...I swear).  In the last 18 months my nails went from looking horrible and barely growing so fast that I actually have to cut and file them on a weekly basis.  I, personally, don't think this is a fluke and totally feel that my diet change has given my nails the "life" and momentum they needed!

Now, we'll move onto my golden (errr...gray) locks.  Unfortunately, eating clean won't stop the process of going gray...I wish I had better news for you, but I don't.  I started graying when I was very young (in my early 20s) and it's only gotten worse the older I get.  Here's some good news, though...once you move onto eating clean and getting all of those vitamins and minerals into your body you weren't previously getting, things go your nails and hair.  I usually get my cut and highlighted every two months.  I go with blonde, because it hides the gray better, and I can go a couple months without noticing the gray roots (or maybe it's denial...who knows).  Anyway, my hair grows insanely fast now.  I cut it all off in March, decided to go for a new 'do, and I just had it trimmed up again a couple of weeks ago and it's almost to my in two months it went from an inch under my ears in March to my shoulder (when straightened) in June/July.  It's complete insanity.

So, for all of you clean/healthy eaters...what differences have you noticed, besides the weightloss?  Do you have any stories to share?

Oh, and last, but not daily food list (it's a little less than appetite is non-exsistant, but I'm still eating):

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs and banana
*10am - 10 whole straweberries
*12pm - homemade sloppy joes over half of a sweet potato (dirty loaded sweet potato!!) 
No snack at 2pm and dinner is still up in the air with the way I feel.  The kids may get a hot n' ready pizza from Little Caesars and I'll eat the leftover Amish cabbage dish I made last week (I was able to freeze three helpings for future meals). 

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! 

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