Thursday, July 23, 2015

Suuuuuugar, you're sweet.

There isn't a day that I don't login to Pintrest and drool over the hundreds of recipes people pin to their baking boards.  I actually have a board dedicated to "yummies" and I've made many things on there, nothing has disappointed...yet.  Not only that, but I have a board named "dinner" that I habitually post really unhealthy dinner recipes on, you know, just in case I need something horrible for myself or something for the kids/boyfriend to devour while I'm eating my grilled chicken and brussel sprouts.  I'm also the Queen of love and inspirational quote pins, but that's another post, for another day. 

There's so much I could say about sugar and how it really effects your weight loss and gain, but I'll keep it simple.  If you want to lose weight, you have to ditch the sugar.  These days, everything has added sugar in it...including peanut butter and jarred pasta/spaghetti sauces.  Reading labels is key to your success and maintenance.  Once you read enough labels, though, you'll know what you can and can't buy and shopping gets way easier (and quicker).  Sometimes, those convenience things, like the jarred spaghetti sauce, isn't the best bet.  That's why I decided to start making homemade spaghetti sauce.  Sure, it took me awhile to find the best recipe, but when I did I was's all I ever make now.  I also make enough of it so that I can freeze the leftovers, so if I'm in a bind one night, all I have to do is throw it in the pan and let it defrost and simmer, and voila, perfection!  This goes for sloppy joe mix/cans, jelly, certain canned tomatoes, flavored oatmeal, yogurt, BBQ sauces and marinades, salad dressings and obviously baked goods (there's way more to that list, but I'm experiencing a total brain blockage).  If you really, really want to change your life, start making everything homemade...sure, it takes more time, but do it on a day you have extra time and make extras.  If you make extras and freeze them, you will start to see your meal prep time becoming easier and easier.

I do have bad news, though.  I have yet to find a low-carb/sugar baked good recipe that compares to the real deal.  There is a peanut butter cookie recipe I tried once and it was ok, but honestly, it's not worth sharing...and for that I'm sorry.  However, I do have some AMAZING full on sugar recipes, including cupcakes...the ones I'm known for, the ones I'll be making this weekend for my mom's 60th birthday party.  You also better believe I will partake in the cupcake eating, because it's the weekend and I allow myself a little bit of sugar on the weekends...usually in the form of ice cream on Sundays, but we'll go all out with a cupcake this week. 

Anyway, if I could ask you all to do one thing to change your life, it'd be to start watching your sugar intake!  Be aware of what you're putting in your mouth and into your body.  Once you adjust your daily sugar levels (I get my sugars daily, Monday-Friday, from fruits and vegetables, nothing else) you'll notice a huge difference in your body, even your taste buds will start changing.  Per the American Heart Association women should only be ingesting 25 grams or 6tbsp of sugar, per day.  Take a step back and really look at what you're eating today.  If looking at the per serving on the label and then the sugar content, how much sugar would you be eating today?  For me, I'd be at zero added sugars and around 25grams with the fruit/veggies/PB I'm eating for meals/snacks today. 

Here is my food list:

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs and banana
*10am - 9 whole strawberries
*12pm - grilled chicken burger (has feta and spinach and spices in it) with steamed broccoli
*2pm - 12 apple slices and 2tbsp peanut butter
*6pm - homemade spaghetti sauce and my shirataki noodles (no carb - found at Walmart in the refrigerated produce section).  My children, as always, will eat regular spaghetti noodles.  I'll also add in browned chicken tenderloins to the sauce. 

FYI, the spaghetti sauce is this:    It is amazing!!! 

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