Monday, July 6, 2015

And the verdict is:

Alright, I'll admit it, I've been MIA and I'm sorry for that.  I rushed myself to Urgent Care last Wednesday, only for them to tell me to turn around and go straight to the ER...they thought I was having an appendicitis.  Well, after blood work, a urinalysis, and a CT Scan...and several hours in the ER...they determined I have two ovarian cysts, and one (the right one) had ruptured.  This, people, is why I was so sick.  A ruptured cyst.  I mean, who knew something so small could wreak such havoc on your body?  Late Wednesday night my fever finally broke, but the headache and overall weakness was there well into Friday. My appetite was gone, as well, but after the boyfriend took me out for a "big" breakfast Friday morning, I started to feel a little better...although my head was still pounding. 

I'll go ahead and admit that this weekend was full of food...I had to make up for the many meals missed since last Tuesday.  I ate grilled chicken and veggies, an omelet filled with veggies, a biscuit, a burrito...naked fajitas (I just eat the meat, guac, and tortillas) and possibly a couple margaritas last night (the food list could go on and on, but I don't want to embarrass myself.  Ha!).  Hey, it was my parents' 35th wedding anniversary, I needed to celebrate. 

So, here we are...Monday.  The day that all things start fresh.  Today, my food options are quite healthy and will remain that way, hopefully the entire week, but here's a huge confession:  I leave for vacation Wednesday morning and, well, I have no idea what the food situation will look like, but I promise to be on my best behavior.  I can't promise that I'll post every day, but I will for sure post pics of food and what we're doing down in the great state of Florida!!!

One last thing before I get to my daily food log.  Grocery shopping last week was non-existant, as I stocked up enough the week prior with my last trip being on Sunday (June 28)...I bought 36 eggs, a huge watermelon, bananas (I ate all of them already), whole milk (for the kids), and a few non-essential items for home.  I ran into Wal-Mart yesterday and bought three bananas, enough until I leave Wednesday morning.  So, I think my total bill (which included toiletries and stuff for the kids) was $90 over a week and a half period (but I spent no money last week).  I'm right on a $150-200 budget every month...although I'll pay closer attention next month, when I have no vacations planned. 

Alright, now to the nitty food log! 

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs and a banana
*10am - 11 baby carrots and 2 tbsp hummus (plain)
*12pm - BBQ grilled chicken, yellow squash, and zucchini
*2pm - 9 whole strawberries
*6pm - Trader Joe's chicken patties ( the easiest thing to heat up and eat...they're pretty good when you need something quick) and roasted asparagus. 

Here is a picture from the babies and I heading to our town's 4th of July parade!  I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and has an even better Monday!   

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