Thursday, July 16, 2015

Getting to know you (

Wanna hear my life story?  Yes?  Well, you aren't getting it, but I'll give you the CliffsNotes to the last, say, 12 years of my show you where I've come from and how I got here.

I was married young (22), became a mother a year later (23), my second child was born 2.5 years later (25) and I was a very young divorcee (27).  I was a Navy wife and absolutely loved it.  To most, they think that's what did my marriage in, but it really wasn't.  I loved moving to new places and meeting new friends.  I've lived in Yokosuka, Japan, Virginia Beach, VA, and New Orleans, LA (there was a 6 week stint in Olathe, KS, as well).  In those five years I webbed my way through different weights.  Between pregnancies and being downright depressed, I'd gain and lose, lose and gain.  I never really dieted, I just new to cut back and be more active...but losing to me was 5-10lbs here and there, nothing like 40.  When I was pregnant with Jake, I gained 10lbs...we lived in Japan, didn't own a car and walked everywhere.  I even walked home from the hospital after having an emergency c-section!  Talk about horrible and daunting (can you kinda tell why I divorced the ex, yet?).

My biggest weight gain was when I was pregnant with Kara-Lou.  After 55lbs I stopped looking at the scale...I weighed upwards of 260 when I delivered her.  Yep, 260..wowee.  Here's a picture of me at 38 weeks baby, not twins, I swear.

Kara-Lou ended up being 8#5oz and 18.5 inches long, 9 years ago. 
I was so embarrassed by how big I got, but the doctor told me I was retaining a ton of fluid.  When the swelling went down, after having Kara, I only had a few pounds of pregnancy weight to lose.  It's amazing what our bodies can and will do during pregnancy.  Geesh.  

Anyway, fast forward to today.  I work full time at a University here in North Carolina...I do exciting stuff like administrating....haha!  Also, I'm a college student working towards my associates degree.  You see, I decided that if I were to go back to school, I wanted to go for something I love and believe in.  To me, that is writing.  I'm on a very slooooow track to getting my two year degree (it's more like a three year degree) and will then transfer to the University I currently work at for my Bachelors in Creative Writing, and then I'll move on to my Masters in Communications.  I want to write, I want to communicate, I want to make a difference.

Several weeks ago I thought long and hard about this summer, I felt like something was missing...and it was.  I wasn't writing papers or reading literature (notes to the boyfriend wasn't cutting it).  So, here I am...writing to you all and hoping I'm making some sort of difference in someone's life, not to mention, I'm writing and it feels great!  Luckily, school starts back up in a month and I can't wait; Fall semester will be packed, but it's worth it.

Through everything - the kids, weight gain and loss, the divorce, the boyfriend, school, and work - I knew who I was and who I wanted to be.  Yes, it's taking longer than expected, but that doesn't mean I'll give up or throw in the towel...this goes for everything in my life, not just weight loss or school.

Last but not least, my food list for the day...I have a real treat for you, breakfast for dinner!

*8am - 2 eggs (gasp...only two!) and one banana
*10am - sliced apples and 2 tbsp peanut butter
*12pm - leftover taco salad (last night's leftovers)
*2pm - 1 cup of red grapes
*6pm - Clean pancakes ( ) with 1tbsp real maple syrup and sliced strawberries.  I may buy turkey bacon, but I'm not sold on it, yet.  The kids will have real pancakes with pancake syrup (no high fructose corn syrup included), the bacon, and fruit.

So, tell me.  What about your story?  What have you overcome, or what have you decided to change about your life??  It's all in your willpower and personal belief in yourself.

100lbs lighter than the pregnancy picture.  Sincerely happy (and able) to climb Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.  May 2015

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