Monday, July 13, 2015

My worst fear became reality...

Maybe I can blame it on Monday, or that today is my first day back from vacation.  Maybe I can blame it on the kids not being fully ready this morning when I wanted to leave the house, or maybe I could just blame myself and get over it.

As I pulled up to work this morning, I paralleled park in the same spot like I always do.  I put the car in park and sat for a minute listening to the rest of the radio show, and then I finally made the decision to turn the car off and head into work.  I reached over to get my one daily diet coke, my purse, and my bag full of food for the day.  Everything was where it was supposed to be, except my food bag.  Breakfast, lunch, and my two snacks were in that bag...the bag that is still sitting on my dining room table in my kitchen.  When I get home tonight, I'll have to throw it all away, minus the banana.  I hate wasting food (I only have one bag of trash per week to put out in the garbage can for garbage day), I hate wasting money...I also hate having to pay for meals.  Today, however, will be a day full of waste and money being spent on food...and it sucks.  Yeah, call me a downer, but honestly, everyone deserves a crappy day and today is that day for me, at least.

I was really, really looking forward to lunch...string cheese, rotisserie chicken breast and squash.  But noooooooo.  I'll head to the grocery store in a few minutes to pick up my food for the day.  I'll probably get a cup of instant oatmeal, banana, and maybe some fruit I can divide between my two snacks today.  For lunch, I'll pick up a pre-made salad, and that'll be my day.  Nothing exciting, nothing to look forward to.  I guess this means I will have to make dinner extravagant tonight, right??  I deserve that much!  Ha!

On a completely unrelated note, vacation was friggin' amazing and I wish I could go back.  I love Florida so much. I also love that we got to spend our first real family vacation together, all while getting to know the boyfriend's parents (we stayed at their house in Jacksonville, FL).  They were great and my children were well I call it a WIN!  The food was good, I stayed as clean as I possibly could, but I was also very, very active while I made sure I upped my calories to make sure I wasn't depleting myself of anything.  I was able to jump on the scale this morning and sure enough, I lost weight, not a lot, but the number definitely went down!  I'm hoping this trend will stick and the numbers will keep going down.  Although I'm happy with my weight loss amount, ultimately I would like to lose another 10 pounds, but if not, then that's ok.  I'm perfectly happy with me...and that's all that counts! 

Here is a picture of us four, my little imperfectly perfect family: 

Brian, Kara-Lou, Jake, and myself - St. Augustine, FL July 9, 2015

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