Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's National Junk Food day!!!!

Who all is celebrating????

I would give anything to sit down and eat an entire can of Pringles and cookies and chocolate, but I care about my body too much to do that.  Sure, I'll indulge on the weekends with a little pasta or pizza, but my all day indulgence is gone.  I know that if I take an entire day, I'll gain weight I don't want again.  Sure, it may not be a huge number, but why screw up a good thing...you know? 

Although, I'm led to believe that there isn't enough caffeine in the world to help me function today...so maybe my "indulgence" will be an obscene amount of that wonderful energizing drug.  One can only hope that I'm not this groggy/foggy/tired, after that much caffeine. 

Since I'm not celebrating (insert pouty face here...because a can full of pringles sounds amazing...LOL), my food today is pretty on point and filling.  Here is what I have:

*8am - 3 hard boiled eggs and a banana
*10am - 6 small strawberries and one small nectarine
*12pm - pork loin, steamed broccoli, and one baby bell cheese
*2pm - 12 baby carrots and 2tbsp roasted red pepper hummus
*6pm - undetermined (I'm house/dog sitting so the dinner situation will be something completely made up; meal prep doesn't count when you're not at your house.  ;) ).

I hope everyone's weekend was great.  It's already Tuesday so we're getting closer to Friday, already...yeah! 

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