Thursday, August 20, 2015

This is me, begging, pleading....

I need everyone to sit down and read this.  Read into it, don't read into it, do what you will with the information I'm about to provide for you.

Listen, this isn't my first rodeo.  I've gained weight, I've lost weight, I've gained weight, and now I've lost weight...the weight has finally stayed off.  It's been ONE YEAR since I hit my goal weight and I am so happy and excited that I finally figured out that friggin' healthy eating actually DOES work.  I haven't had a McDonald's cheeseburger in 20+ months, or their fries.  I will admit to eating two burrito supremes from Taco Bell, but honestly, two in 20 months is a huge least for me it is!

Anyway, here's the deal.  If you start this journey, clean eating, healthy eating, whatever you want to call it, you HAVE to stick with it.  If you don't, you'll gain every ounce of weight back.  This is NOT a diet, this is not's a life style change.  Once you jump on this ride, you're in it for life, unless you want to ruin all of your progress.

This is why I HIGHLY recommend cheat meals.  One to two per weekend should suffice.  Get that pasta in there, get the sugar in there, get the pizza in bad.  That is totally fine.  The scale may go up a pound or two, but you'll end up losing that the following week, I promise.  Just, be aware of what you're eating.  I wouldn't cheat with a hamburger from McDonald's, at all.  If I'm going to cheat, I want the real deal...I want real with cream in it, and butter.  This past weekend I had Eggplant Parmesan and a side of Alfredo fettuccine was fantastic.  There were also tacos added into my weekend somewhere, as well (the innards of the taco are ok, the flour shells, however are no those are always a treat for me).

If you go, say, a month without eating anything other than real, clean, healthy food please don't be surprised if you go for your first cheat meal (by the way, I lasted two months until I went for my first cheat meal), you eat it and you're almost instantly sick.  Whether it be throwing up or you're on the pot for a while throughout the day.  Pizza is my kryptonite.  It's the one thing I consistently use as a cheat.  I will eat it and almost always regret I ate it.  Also, if I have too much sugar in a cheat day, my tummy is NEVER happy...ever.  Oh, and I also rarely drink any alcohol.  I've paid attention to my body and when I drink it, it's very, very hard to get the weight off the following week.

So, do this for me - I need you all, who are trying this thing out, to please, please, please don't give up.  Honestly, it works...this whole being healthy thing is actually pretty great.  Remember several posts back when I gave you the run down of everything that's different about my body?  My hair and nails grow insanely fast, my skin is the clearest it's ever been....the weight loss!!  So many more positive things have changed, as well, and it honestly scares me to lose all the progress I've made.  I loved the old me, I have/had great self esteem, but I felt heavy and I knew I deserved a long, prosperous, and healthy life...I have so much more to give to the world and so do you!!!

If you take one thing away from this, please just be aware of what you're doing to your body and how it will impact everything when you make changes...good or bad.  Stay strong, got this!!!

As for my food list today:

*8am - 2 hard boiled eggs and a banana (I'm reducing down to two to see what it'll do...if anything).
*10am - banana (I need to cut up my watermelon and buy more strawberries).
*12pm - grilled asparagus and baked Greek chicken.
*2pm - 3.5 cups of air popped popcorn.
*6pm - grilled shrimp with broccoli and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

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