Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fitness? You mean fitness whole pizza in my mouth?

First things first, I have not written in a year and a half…and for that I am sorry.  I recently started a new job.  While I was at a meeting, someone came up to me and asked if I was Brian's fiancĂ©.  I told her yes and she asked me when I was going to start writing my blog again.  I never met her and was shocked that someone other than my group of friends, and family, actually read it.  I knew I needed to start writing again, but I kept making excuses.  I woke up this morning with the need to write and update everyone as many things have changed. 

I think the two biggest things that have happened in the past 1.5 years are my engagement to the ever lovable, and adorable, Brian, and I finally found my fitness home - Burn Boot Camp.  

Brian proposed last September while we were in Baltimore, MD.  It is actually a funny proposal story, but I will save that for another time...especially since it has to do with food.

I wanted to take the time to write this post and tell you all about boot camp and how it has changed my life.  When I first started writing this blog, my main goal was to get into a good fitness routine and start toning up the body.  I walked in there on a hot June afternoon and I fell in love with it instantly.  It was hard, it pushed me to the brink, I was sore for days, but I kept going back for more.  I quickly got the hang of the intensity and in a few short weeks saw some big differences.  My weight was staying the same, but the toning started and I loved the results.

I have been there for almost a year and not only has it changed my body, but it has changed my mindset, too.  I went from hating exercise and feeling like it was a chore, to loving it and knowing that what I am doing is beneficial to my health.  I have more stamina (well, up until about 930pm and I pretty much pass out from pure exhaustion), my strength is tenfold, and my overall outlook on life has changed. 

I can carry 80 lbs worth of dirt; I can throw around a huge jug of laundry detergent as if it almost weighs nothing.  I’ll never forget the day I picked up a huge pumpkin and tried to guess its weight.  I was all, “it’s probably 10 lbs.”  It ended up being 20 lbs.  Ha!!  The kids had a field day with that and exclaimed, “it’s because you’re so strong, mommy!” 

As far as my results go, as of April 22nd I have lost 10lbs and almost 10% body fat.  Which, in my book, is awesome.  I’ve lost countless inches all around my body (actually, it’s not countless.  They’ve been counted, I just can’t remember…giggle). 

Oh, and the friendships.  That may need to be another blog, but let me tell you all that the relationships I’ve made have been absolutely worth it.  I love my tribe, my support system, my Burn Sisters. 

Now, as always, I’ll list my food for today.  And sorry, y’all…no pizza this go ‘round.  I’ve been much better with my cheats and plan to reign it in even more on June 1st.  Whole30 here I come…again! 

Before boot camp (5am): Aldi’s brand Laura bar.
After camp (630am): protein shake
Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs and a banana
Snack: deli ham (no nitrates…etc) and hummus
Lunch: half a roasted chicken with a steamed yellow potato and raw carrots
Snack: ¼ cup of almonds and ½ cups of pineapple
Dinner: whole chicken in the crockpot, lima beans, and another veggie that has yet to be determined. 

Karen and I after my very first 5k!!!  We finished it in 34ish minutes.  Such an accomplishment!